Model No Workstation Inner Size
SB-GS-3 W36 x D 24 x H 36
SB-GS-4 W48 x D 24 x H 36
SB-GS-5 W60 x D 24 x H 36
SB-GS-6 W72 x D 24 x H 36
SB-GS-8 W96 x D 24 x H 36
Special Features :-
The special features will be provided for the
GrossingWorkstation to needs your applications.
1. Deep sink and provision for hot / cold water faucet
2. Power LED Lighting
3. 2 Nos. of 5/15A additional power sockets
4. Pull-out Pencil Drawer at below the table (optionalcharge extra)
5. C fold Paper Towel Holder at inside the workstation
6. Inbuilt Exhaust Ventilation Air Grill with dual wallconstruction
on the tableand just below the storage platform to remove formalin
fumes over worksurface and from operator breathing zone
7. Storage Plat form is 8 inches width at inside the work area(optional charge extra)
8. Hand Rinsing Assembly
9. Grossing Perforated Tray on the Sink
10. Height adjustable floor leveling screws at bottom of the stand
11. Provision for magnifying lamp fixture
12. Measuring scale either fixed on the work surface of 2 ft
13. Polypropylene dissecting board for dissecting and for photography
14. Safety splash shield